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The Best Designer Furniture for Apartment - The Eames Lounge Chair


Which decoration is the best designer furniture for apartment? I think the Eames Lounge Chair is the answer.


The Eames Lounge Chair designed by Charles and Ray Eames for the Herman Miller furniture company. They are officially titled Eames Lounge (670) and Ottoman (671) and were released in 1956 after years of development by designers. It was the first chair the Eameses designed for a high-end market. Examples of these furnishings are part of the permanent collection of New York's Museum of Modern Art.


Eames Lounge Chair


Since its introduction, the Eames Lounge chair has been in continuous production by Herman Miller in America. Later, Vitra (in cooperation with the German furniture company Fritz Becker KG) began producing the chair for the European market. Immediately following its release other furniture companies began to copy the chair's design. Some made direct copies, others were merely 'influenced' by the design. Most notably the former Plycraft Company issued dozens of chairs that were direct copies of or in-the-style-of the Eames 670. Later Chinese and European companies began making direct copies. However, Herman Miller and Vitra remain the only two companies to produce these chairs with the Eames name attached.


Not only the surface of the Eames Lounge Chair matches your apartment but also its materials and workmanship: the genuine leather – Italian leather or Aniline leather, walnut, plywood and aluminum base are composed this great art. So the Eames lounge chair is the best designer furniture for your apartment.


Keywords in the article: designer furniture,Eames Lounge Chair

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